Saturday, 4 December 2010

Number 23 - Byetta Babes

Here’s another one of our long-running threads, and another great example of how the diversity of experience on the forum can come together to help people out, even when the circumstances are somewhat out of the ordinary. Byetta is an injectable medication that is chiefly for people with Type 2 diabetes. It has the advantage over insulin and some other forms of medication in that it actually aids weight loss, primarily it seems by making the user feel full more readily after eating.

Like many medications, it can have side-effects which may be quite severe to begin with, so it is extremely helpful for people new to it to be able to draw on the experience of others who are a little further down the line and who can therefore give an indication of how things may progress. It has been great to read how our group of Byetta veterans and neophytes have supported each other, and continue to do so, exchanging some great success stories. Unfortunately, not everyone has been able to cope with the side-effects, but this is also important for people to know. People can see that they are not alone if they are particularly badly afflicted by side-effects, so this can alleviate any feelings of guilt or failure which people can often feel if the only source of reference they have is their healthcare team who may often infer that ‘they do not try hard enough’ or ‘are exaggerating the effects’.

Primarily comprised of ladies, the thread was renamed the ‘Byetta Babes’ after it became clear that an initial enquiry about Byetta storage developed into a general discussion thread for advice and mutual support. Now nearly 400 posts long, it continues to be a great resource for our members!

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